Thru-Hole Assembly

Thru-Hole PCB Assembly

Force can handle complex through-hole assembly challenges. Our manual lines are designed to minimize product travel and operator movement. Documentation and in-process checks ensure accurate and complete population of the assembly. Our through-hole assembly capability enables us to be a cost effective and flexible contract manufacturing facility.
Force have an Electrovert ATF Wave Solder Machine that can handle boards from 50x50mm up to 300x300mm irrespective of number of components.



Mautis Optical Zoom Microscope

  • X20 optical zoom
  • True colour, LED illumination
  • Shadow free viewing
  • Flexible swing arm for larger footprints


Cirrus Signature 1100+ ICT/Hi-Pot

  • Test point range of 128-1024
  • Optional Hi-Pot test
  • 50< 1000 Vdc hipot range
  • 99 Wirelist on board memory capacity
  • 70 second run time
  • LCD Screen with digital print-out
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